Kevin Rindal
Co-Founder and CEO, Vimocity
Dr. Kevin Rindal has over a decade of experience working with 35,000+ patients treating musculoskeletal injuries. Focusing on developing innovative ways to help clients prevent injuries, recover faster, and enhance performance. As a member of the US Olympic Team’s injury prevention task-force, Dr. Rindal helped lay the foundation for a system of best practices that elite athletes around the world now use to prevent injuries. He has gained a first-hand account of what works and continues his focus on developing innovative ways to prevent injuries, to recover faster, and enhance overall performance and well-being. Dr. Rindal co-founded Vimocity three years ago with the goal of taking his experience working with Olympic athletes and bringing those techniques to the workplace. The Vimocity Team created a program focused on Movement Health, the overall well-being of a person’s ability to move and feel their best, to reduce sprains and strains. Dr. Rindal believes, everyone deserves access to tools that help them move better, feel better, and ultimately live better.